Monday, February 27, 2012

I've been debating writing about this whole dreadful thing with the guy who killed my mom. The daughter of the killer doesn't seem to have a problem and has even started a page for her cause. Why do I feel like I must be silent? Why do I feel like anything I say can be turned against me? I did not kill anyone. I did not hurt a woman and her children. 
Why does he have all the rights?

Long story short:
When I was little, this asshole killed my mom. Tried to kill me and my sister too. I've spent the last 30 years living the hell, and he keeps coming up for parole. In addition, an innocence group took his case. I'm pretty infuriated over the whole thing. Inmates will have more rights than I ever will. They will have access to legal help and people who have a bleeding heart for their cause. I've learned in this life that sometimes the past has no reflection on how people perceive you in the present. That's really FUCKING sad. This douche bag killed another person years before he met my mom.
The person I identified just happened to be the one who had a prior conviction. The very person I helped the sketch artist draw. Only when I completed that and then he was identified by a family member did I see him in a lineup. 
The daughter likes to infer that the whole thing was coached. She has smeared the law enforcement from beginning to end. She has stated I was coached. What fucking bullshit. Dear K.L, you dumb twat. You weren't there. I have a history of telling the truth. Your father does not. I have stated over and over that my misconceptions were the result of being a young child. HOWEVER, when you sort out the facts and details it all pans out.
You do not want to believe your father was a murderer. It's become your lifelong cause. I'm sad for you, because someday at the end of this life, you will realize you were lied to. You, your supporters and the legal people who wasted their time on someone who did commit the crime. Sad, sad, sad.
I am angry at you. I know you don't care. All you talk about is what you and your family lost. What did I lose? Every fucking thing, from my innocence to whatever memories I could have shared with my mother.
My sister died of cancer 3 years ago. She was eaten up by sadness, depression and anger. Really? That negativity fed that cancer. Nobody fucking talks about that. Nobody talks about the hell the survivors live with.
I really don't know how you people can live with yourselves. Gutter trash, all of you! You people are the biggest group of morons I have ever observed. I strongly suspect there is some inbreeding going on there. 

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