Thursday, November 27, 2014

One might ask themselves...

Now that I have your attention, I'd like to ask you a few questions.
The information present on that godawful Free Rod*ney Lincoln page is filled with inaccuracies, misinformation, speculation and some outright lies.
It's been stated repeatedly that I was coached.
Doubts have been cast in the direction of the detectives who worked doggedly to cross every T to make sure this was done right. These men were esteemed, respected men. They were the decent policemen, driven by integrity and a devotion to doing a great job.
It's been said that I was wrong. It's been stated that my descriptions were completely inaccuratate.
It's been mused that I did notice Rodney was missing part of his pinky.
People have latched on to my statement about the name of the perp.
Finally, statements have been made that I probably don't know what happened to me.

What planet do you live on?
Did you know that common sense costs nothing?
Did you know it's ok to admit you were snowed?
Did you know that research that includes damning information about the accused does not, in fact, mean you don't believe him.
Just saying.

I was not coached. I was so frightened of men after the incident that I would scream at the sight of them. I refused to speak to the detectives. I even bit one of them. Only when one gave me candy did I start talking. Like most kids.
After that, I saw no more candy. I asked for it often. To preserve the integrity of the case, I assume that's why no one gave me anymore.
Anyone that states otherwise is a moron. They were not there. They did not live it.

The detectives didn't always get me to speak. Even after the frost cooled, they gave me no more candy. I was pissed sometimes and in serious pain. I was traumatized. Sometimes I didn't feel like talking about such a bad thing. When I did speak, I sure didn't sing like a canary each time. I shared when I wanted to.
The problem was, the information I gave did not match a single person my mom knew.
The detectives showed me about 100 pictures. Some matched my description sort of, some did not.
It was frustrating for them.
There was a murderer out there.

It took me a bit to get out of intensive care, but even then, I was weak, and in a wheelchair. Because I was raped with a knife from top to bottom, I had to have surgury to repair the damage. I had a cholostomy. Oh yeah, it was a fun time.
Now, my descriptions of the man were on target. My descriptions of his home were on target. However, I used childlike terms that befuddled everyone. Bridge+ aquaduct. Tall=I was short..everyone seemed tall. They= him. After all, I was a city girl. Much of what I said seemed a bit vague.
Until of course, they took me over to see the sketch artist. I described him very well. My aunt saw the pic. He was identified.
As much as it annoyed me, we drove the city quite a few times. I told them.."it was in this direction" and no, you are going the wrong way.
Eventually, I led them down Broadway to Davis street. I told them the turns to make. I led them to the playground in front of his house.With animal heads.
Just like I fucking said.
They had to make sure I was telling the truth.
They did their damn job.
They did it correctly. Everything I said, I had to back up if I was to be credible. I was always told "Tell the truth. Say you don't know, if you don't know. "
I told the truth. People didn't like my truth. I was prone to checking out as well, and I didn't always cooperate. I hated Rodney's attorney, who tried to confuse me all the time.
It's amazing that one one hand, Rodney's attorney was bad, and this is why Rodney is in jail. Uh-huh.
On the other hand, dillhole attorney confused me and often, but this is okay and admissible. Either he was of use, or not. Make up your minds.

Next, I didn't notice the damn missing pinky. Well, the night he tried to kill me, I forgot to give him a physical. I also forgot to tell him I'd forgotten his name since I'd seen him. Please inform all victims to use their manners and pay attention.
If that was your baby, your child, bleeding to death on a table, trying to go to sleep (die)..and people were being forced to ask her questions because they thought she would die..would you be such a heartless person? Would you forgive a child who just wanted to go to sleep...and was so desperate to do so that she made up a name "Bill" to get people to leave her alone?
Would you?
I had lost a ton of blood. I was exhausted. I had multiple stab wounds. I'd spent the night lying under a bed, mere feet from my dead brutalized mother. I'd realized I just might die, because Rodney sat at the foot of my mother's bed until he was sure we were dead. He left.
I passed out, thinking..I just might die here. I'm only seven.
Would you, for a moment, remember your humanity?

I know what happened to me. I'm the ONLY one who knows..because I lived it. You have my testimony. You have my recollections. To speculate on what I know is pompous and reeks of self-righteousness. You cannot possibly know the full extent of that night, the hell I survived..and the hell I have went through since this case was reopened. You cannot know how hard I struggled to remain hopeful and kind. You can't know how hard it was to try to find common ground with the daughter of the perp.
It bothers me that people are so gullible. It bothers me that so few see the true nature of this man. He is an astute opportunist. As a career criminal he knows exactly when and where to pounce. He is a sociopath who is charming, and knows the buttons to push to get what he wants. He saw an opportunity with the wrongful conviction movement, and has wasted the resources of people with good intentions. He has taken the chance that a truly innocent person had to be free, and used it, without conscience, to torture me for several years. He has allowed this.
Now, I'm just gonna go out on a limb here, but it seems like an awful lot of people don't have all the information they should. In fact, I'm pretty sure that the fact that the accused stabber was friends with Rodney was conveniently omitted from proceedings. I'm not really sure why, but it took me a lot of digging.
It answered my final question.
My mama saw something, and she was going to do the right thing.

Maybe some of you should do the right thing too.
Admit that you gladly and blindly jumped on a bandwagon, and speculated and participated in the heartless judgement of a crime victim and her daughter.
I'd ask you to be ashamed, but I think a lot of you aren't capable of being honest, aren't capable of saying you're wrong. Still, you need to ask yourself why most of that crap on Rodney's page has never been presented to the court. If it's so relevant and true, he'd have been retried and free decades ago.
Believe what you will.
I mean, after are smart enough to know when you are being misled, right?

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